Thursday, July 26, 2012

End Week 2

This week I thought I had some really good workouts.  Didn't miss a single exercise this week.  Played basketball 4 times also. Legs felt pretty good and not overly sore so I was feeling pretty good about measurement time.  Got my vertech machine out and set up, did a good warm-up and stretch, legs feeling good.  Did my first jump which felt great, did each jump 3-4 times and felt pretty good so I went to my spreadsheet to see how I did... No gains... My standing went back to my original number and my other too stayed the same as last week.

Once I get more data I will do a proper line graph chart for easier reading of the entire program.

End Week 1            End Week 2
Standing: 24.5          Standing: 25"
One Step: 27"          One Step: 27"
Running: 27.5"          Running: 27.5"

So, needless to say I'm pretty bummed. I know there are many reason I could have no gains this week. First off, I understand that I am still pretty heavy. The amount of force that my legs need to generate to get my 200+ lb body of the ground is pretty large and I probably wont see the rapid gains like some other lighter people have had. Second, I probably played way too much basketball so my legs weren't as rested as they should have been.

Originally my goal was to finish a P90x/Insanity hybrid that I found, before doing Jump Manual, so I could drop the final 20lbs or so I needed to loose. But as I did it, after the first two weeks, I developed tendinitis in one of my elbows due to all the pull-ups. So I decided to do The Jump Manual first to give my elbow three months off and seeing if I can still loose weight. But I'm starting to think the weight may be more important to my jump then The Jump Manual... So I don't know what to do. I know with the times I did Insanity I always got discouraged the first couple weeks because the losses weren't happening, but by the 4-5 week the weight was starting to fall off. So I think I'm going to keep up with this program and not let one bad week discourage me too much and hope for larger gains in the next few weeks. And I will focus more on my diet and try to loose weight there.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading and any advice any of you may have.


  1. I have had the same feeling of discouragement as you. I am on my 4th week of jump manual and have exerienced no good gains. After 2 weeks I was actually jumping about 1" lower. After 3 weeks my standing vertical went back to where it originally was but I still have not been able to get my running vertical where it was at the beginning of the program. Check out my blog to see videos and explanations.

  2. I was wondering if maybe I should do three weeks on the program then take a week off, then do another three weeks, take another off. Really give my legs a chance to recover. Sometimes those weeks of is where I make most my gains.

    1. I talked to a guy that worked with the jump manual team and he said it could take up to 4 weeks to get your body used to the program and the intensity of it. Hope he is right and the gains will come. I am pretty sore from doing weight testing for school so I will probably take the rest of the week off. After 4 days of rest maybe I will be surprised when I go to the gym. The 3 week on 1 week off does not sound bad. Candyman did 6 weeks and then took a week off and then did the next 6 weeks. He was exeriencing gains right from the start though!! Good luck training!

    2. @JWDunk, don't get discouraged man. I do think playing basketball 4 times and doing all the Jump Manual workouts may make slow down your gains by not allowing enough recovery. Trust me, not playing is extremely hard for me as you won't find too many people who are more addicted to basketball than I am. But, Jacob (creator of Jump Manual) is right when he says you've got to allow time for recovery.

      My suggestion is drop that back to playing 2 times per week, and really get strict on your diet. Try that for for the next 2 weeks, and I bet you will see some gains. Also, make sure you are tracking your strength & explosion workouts and every time you do that workout, try to beat what you did the week before. See if you can go up on squats, deadlifts, etc. every week.
