Sorry, about the late post. Once again I was not able to get my Strength and Explosion workout done on Saturday so I had to push it to Monday. This time though, instead of skipping some workouts and getting back on track, I decided to finish the rest of the week out as stated in the program and then start week 5 next Wednesday. That will give me about 5 days off. I'm still going to workout a little and maybe do the off day stuff as well, but I really need to let my legs recover and I want to get back on schedule.
This week went really well workout wise and pretty good diet wise as well. Got all the workouts in (even though timing got skewed) and I lost another 2 lbs or so. So I'm down about 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks. The Strength and Explosion workout killed me this week. I went as hard as I could, with as much weight as I could, and my legs are finally feeling better today. Took me about 4 days to recover fully. Don't know if that's normal or not. I feel good now though. For some reason I am still so self conscious about doing hang cleans at the gym. It seems as if I put myself on display and everyone else is watching me because it's a workout not a lot of people do at my gym. I feel like they are either thinking I'm trying to show off or they are judging me cause my form is wrong or whatever. It's really weird to me that I feel that way, haha. So usually I go home and do those afterward...
While playing basketball this week I decided to test on the same rim that is in my video on the first post and it's really weird. I am so much lower now then when I took that original video. I don't know if that was a crazy high jumping day or if yesterday was a crazy low jumping day because of tired legs. If it was tired legs that doesn't really make sense cause I went home and tested on my vertec and got great results. I finally gained 1" to my standing jump. Gained 1.5" to my one step (I think this jump is mostly due to more rested legs). And I gained about .5" to my running jump. All these jumps I use the vertec to get the height then I mark down what the machine says and I measure with a tape measure for accuracy sake. I can't figure out why these gains don't seem to translate to when I'm testing at a rim. They are at very different times of day, which could play a factor I guess. Hope to see the translation to the hoop soon enough.
I should be picking up my new HD camcorder on Saturday, so I will record video when I go play Tuesday. This will be on very fresh legs since I will have not done the Jump Manual for about 5 days. Hopefully with the rest I will finally see some of the results transfer to the court tests. I will also be testing my verts at home again that night to see if the 5 day rest changes anything. I will post new results and the video either that night Wednesday night (or whenever I get the video editing done).
Standing:25" Standing: 26"
One Step: 27" One Step: 28.5"
Running: 28.5" Running: 29"
Overall improvement so far (4 weeks)
Standing: +1"
One Step: +2"
Running: +2"
Thanks man. Looks like we're at about the same level, except that you sound like you were a beast in college. Hopefully you can regain your former glory!
ReplyDeleteThanks, hopefully I can get back there on day.
DeleteYou're doing very well man, don't mind what others think while you're working, do what you gotta do. I'm following your progress. Good luck, my best wishes on your goals. (Enes CanTear You Apart)
ReplyDeleteHey Enes, Good to see you one here. Next time I'm just going to go for it at the gym. Thanks for following.
DeleteHow has your progress been? You still going for it?
Sorry for late reply sir, you know I had been slowed down because of the fasting, but since Ramadan finished, I'm going at full throttle again. Still can't hit the 30 inches mark though, I hit the 28 inches as my personal record last weekend. Anyway, I'm still hopeful and I aim high(40+! :-) )
DeleteAs a matter of fact I'm kind of a newbie at this.
Ah, a fellow 30+ still trying to get higher! Nice to see more of us out there. Looks like you're moving forward nicely. Jump Manual too? I've given it a go, granted not as honestly as I should have. Good luck to you. I'll be following your progress.
ReplyDeleteThanks man. Yeah Jump Manual. Gains have been pretty good and I am following it very closely. Just wish the gains were happening faster, haha.