I haven't posted in a while so I figured it was about time for an update. I have started preseason in a city rec league so I've kind of slowed down on my Jump Manual progress. I don't want to wear myself out and not be able to play. I still do squats every Friday and a light plyo day every Monday. I still do upper body every Wednesday and I play basketball twice every Tuesday (lunch time with work guys at Gold's and night times are our games) and Thursday.
I'm playing on a new team this year mostly with people I didn't know so I took the first game to see what my role was going to be and played a little too passive. I had only 4 points a few rebounds and assists, but 2 of my points came off of clutch free throws that put us up by 3 with about 15 seconds to go. It's a good thing too cause they hit a half court 3 to put it into overtime. We ended up winning that game by 12 in overtime though.
We lost the second game by 2 which sucks cause we went like 1/15 in the first 8 minutes of the first half and got behind by like 15. We shouldn't have lost to that team I felt we were a much better team. I did end the game with 17 points, but I should have been in the mid 20's at least. I missed 4-5 layup/close jumpers. Really frustrated with that. I probably shot about 50% from the field, but I was getting good shots...
In January I am going to start playing for another team also. So that should be fun, but is really going to make it hard to make much progress in the vertical jump area. I am still at exactly the same point I was last time I posted measurements and expect to stay about the same until basketball is over. Though it's possible with all this activity I should loose some more weight. Going to watch my diet as well. That will hopefully help.
Thanks for reading and sorry if this was poorly written. Was in a big hurry trying to get this out.